About Emergent Vision Tech High Speed Cameras

About Emergent Vision Technologies

In 2022, Emergent Vision Technologies celebrates 15 years since it began its journey as the leading high-speed imaging camera manufacturer in 2007.

Founded in Vancouver, Canada, Emergent Vision Technologies went on to become the first provider of 10GigE, 25GigE, 50GigE, and 100GigE cameras. In its 15-year history, the company has seen its GigE Vision cameras deployed into innovative, disparate applications, including machine vision inspection, sports technology, broadcasting, volumetric capture and the metaverse, intelligent transportation, virtual reality, augmented reality, and life sciences.

“It has been an honor to be a part of the larger imaging and machine vision space for 15 years and to provide innovative, reliable high-speed cameras to cutting-edge applications that require high speeds and high data rates,” said John Ilett, president and CTO at Emergent Vision Technologies. “This year we plan to push our innovations even further to help our customers exceed their expectations and open new doors for exciting new applications.”

Emergent Vision Technologies has been recognized on numerous occasions as a high-speed imaging pioneer through various awards, including most recently a 2022 Top Innovation Award from inVISION magazine, the only Platinum Award handed out by Vision Systems Design at the 2021 Innovators Awards, and a NAB Product of the Year Award in 2019.

Emergent Vision Technologies has 10 GigE, 25GigE, 50GigE, and 100GigE cameras in stock and available for shipping today. Learn more about our cameras here or contact us at [email protected].

High-Speed Cameras

Where To Buy

You can purchase all products directly from Emergent Technologies or via our worldwide partners network.

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